Monday, November 23, 2009


Currently we are already feeling the effects of global climate change as our waters have begun rising. When you drive by the beach or another body of sea water you probably will not be able to tell how much the waters have risen. But just during 1993-2003 global sea levels rose around 3 millimeters each year. That may not sound like a lot but in the grand scheme of things it is because it takes just half an inch of water on flat land to cover three feet inwards. If we continue as we are the water is going to rise even more as we pollute which is the cause of global climate change.

There are several reasons why the water is rising and they all begin with the climate change we are experiencing. One of the reasons is that as the air warms it melts the ice in the Arctic, that water spreads into the ocean and causes it to rise. Another reason is that the water melting from the ice caps is warmer and as the water particles warm up they expand causing the water levels to rise. If the water continues to rise as it is, we are going to be facing lots of valuable land loss.


  1. Wow that is really scary. Are islands at more risk for flooding quicker?

  2. Yes, islands and lands closer to sea level.

  3. For future residents of Boothbay this would really affect them!! This is scary to think about, we all think this is only going to happen in the future but in reality it's going on as we speak (or type) !!

  4. Your topic is interesting, but I am not sure that all the information is correct, not by your fault though! As I stated in my blog, evidence has shown that sea levels aren't rising as fast as people like to think. "Professor Nils-Axel Morner, a geologist from Stockholm University, said sea level rise has also been exaggerated by the “climate alarmists” using computer models." Not saying I am right, but just thought you might want ideas from the "other side."

  5. This is pretty scary to think about especially because if you think about it at this rate our town will be under water, along with many other places that are near the water. I'm interested to hear more about this topic and many others should be too since it relates to everyone that lives here.

  6. I agree with Dan. This is scary... but this is what the people want you to believe. Scientists and news/media use scare tactics to "scare" you... obviously. things are happening due to a mess we leave on this earth... but i don't believe as rapidly as we think.

  7. If there is two sides to "Global Warming", then how do we know which side is correct? The news media really has nothing better to talk about because M.J (Michael Jackson) is no longer being talked about anymore. Sean Paul should just make a song called "Global Warming". He all ready talks about his vegtables in the song "Temperature". If famous people get on the global warming subject, then global warming will be talked about more and that would be bad.
